Common Dreams: Flotation School

Maria Lucia Cruz Correia

Common Dreams: Flotation School is a mobile prototype for a survival climate school that can travel and adapt to other cities in collaborative alliances with local universities, art institutions and sustainable organizations. The school is designed around a collective process in accordance to the four elements (air-water-earth-fire), as an attempt to rethink our notions of survival in relation to geopolitical earthly resources. The approach is a transdiciplinare collaborative process in dialogue with art students and/ or with experts from the fields of political ecology, sustainability, economy, agriculture, holism, activism, science and architecture. As a methodology, we propose a critical reflection on what “ pedagogy in arts” means today and can do for us, and how this approach can influence the climate political emergency.The main topics are : education- ecology-shelter- sustainability-social-economy- resources- cosmologies. Every edition of the school has different format depending on the location and collaboration, it can be in the format of a floating raft on the lake, or a tent in the forest, or it can simply be an intervention in public space, a lecture or a debate.

Presentations were at CIFAS, Brussels / production Wpzimmer; far° festival des arts vivants Nyon and HEAD – Genève / production HIROS (2020/2021); Contour Biennale 9, "Coltan as Cotton”; Straathoekwerk Mechelen and Klimaatneutraal Mechelen and in collaboration with Piraten van de Dijle, Mechelen (2019); Kunstencentrum Vooruit, City of Gent, Kask School of Arts, MEDS Network- "urban haven" (DE DOKKEN), Gent (2018).

Correia's artistic work speaks her deep engagement for ecological crises and climate emergency. She reacts to the environemtal crimes of our times by bringing audiences into participatory laboratories that connects the artistic with the voices of scientists, activists and lawyers. Correia’s visual installations, performances and participatory laboratories talks from the idea of a complex ecological community, incorporating humans and non-humans, as a reality in which audiences are triggered to connected to a ‘more-than-human-world. While proposing temporary and autonomous platforms, Correia's proposes contemporary discourses on the an- thropocene, nature colonization and climate emergency. Most of her projects are resilient tools to propose utopian public services as alternatives for the current capitalistic system. From 2013-19, Correia was an artist in residency in Vooruitkunstcentrum and her work has been supported by Imagine 2020. In 2017 she received the Roel Verniers Prijs at the Theaterfestival with her first theater piece Voice of nature: the trial. And in 2020 her new project Kinstitute was shortlisted for COAL prize.